See N Read
The Social Network - Inspiring Movie
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Then, I tried to post on a Mark's discussion board on his Facebook ( by the way, Will he sue me if I only write Mark wthout his family name? ). And I found a lot of fans talk about this movie and others discussion. And I do making friends with them. See, Facebook really help us to connect.
Making friends are great. Althought we never meet but we can share and I admit that Facebook provide the complete service to easier connect. We can chat on facebook like windows live messenger. That's what I like. The first social networking that provide chat room. Maybe.
Posted by Yenzz at 1:56 AM 3 comments
Start From The Beginning
Saturday, June 12, 2010
That's meant I should start from the beginning. I should start getting rank, my blog friends, and many things.
I've been lost my blogging time for almost a year. I have no time but work.
This time I got a new idea. Fyi, I am from Indonesia. I will try to post one or two post in Indonesian but sometimes because I know most blogger or reader more understand English but I would like to share about my mother language so others will learn a new things too. Indonesian.
I don't think that many people will give a great interest for my language. We all know Indonesian is not an international language but at least I am proud to be Indonesian and I would like to shared. That's the first point
The second is... sometimes I feel that I lose a word in English. I feel a bit difficult to express my feeling. I think it's easier to say it in my mother language but I've tried to create this blog in English and so far I have connected with many bloggers. So, Should I proud of myself? ^^
Posted by Yenzz at 3:26 AM 7 comments
Blog REVAMP by Gisele Jaquenod
Friday, June 12, 2009
To celebrate a thousand birdies that flying around the blog. Gisele Jaquenod, a great birdie designer held a giveaway contest. For every blogger that confess yourself as a creative bloggers are invited to take part on this giveaway.
Come! and challenge yourself and win a blog revamp by Gisele Jaquenod.
For more guidelines, please visit :
Posted by Yenzz at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Labels: Blog Revamp by Gisele Jaquenod
My Page Rank - Star Rating
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted by Yenzz at 8:59 PM 3 comments
Labels: My Page Rank - Star Rating
My 3 Months Diary
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Posted by Yenzz at 12:50 AM 2 comments
Labels: My 3 Months Diary
Fun Walk in Medan
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's been a long long time no blogging. First, I come with some information from Medan, a town where I stay and work.
A picture showed above is a Fun Walk for charity on Sunday, May 17. About 1.500 peoples joined. Beside walking about 2-3 km, there are also a mini bazaar selling a magazine, CD, accessories.
Posted by Yenzz at 1:26 AM 3 comments
Labels: Fun Walk 2009
My Baby Dragon
Monday, January 19, 2009
This time I really need your help. I have adopt a baby dragon, a friendly one but still egg. To help my dragon born faster, I need all of you to visit my dragon baby site. Below is the link :
Thanks for all that have visit my baby dragon
Posted by Yenzz at 9:42 PM 3 comments
Labels: My Baby Dragon
Nareepol Tree
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Nareepol Tree also called a Women Tree. Located in Petchaboon, Thailand. The fruit of this tree absolutely like a women. You can see that a women hanging on the tree. This is an amazing tree I ever saw.
Posted by Yenzz at 12:28 AM 5 comments
Labels: Narepool Tree
Spectacular CreationS
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Posted by Yenzz at 7:05 AM 5 comments
Labels: Spectacular CreationS
Amazing Traffic in Japan
Posted by Yenzz at 6:22 AM 2 comments
Labels: Amazing Traffic Signal In Japan
The Real Person Award
Friday, November 28, 2008
I just got back into blogging ( been resting for some time), and what a pleasant suprise that I got an award from Chubz. Thanks very much.
Here are the Rules for the Award:
1. Please put the logo on your blog
2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award
3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs
4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog
5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.,
Passing the award to the folling real persons:
Lord Story
Posted by Yenzz at 1:56 AM 8 comments
Labels: Tag Along
Twilight !
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Twilight! A love story between a human girl and a vampire. I am reading this book now and I like this book so much. I was so sympathetic with Edward Cullen, the Vampire. I like his characteristic. He is so cool, mysterious, caring, and full of attention. Don't know why but I was falling in love with him lol.
He know when the girl, Bella need him or when Bella in trouble and he always there to save and protect her. He is so romantic. I can feel how much they love each other but they trapped in a forbidden love that shouldn't be happen in their life.
Posted by Yenzz at 12:16 AM 4 comments
Labels: Twilight
Coolest Blog Award :)
Monday, November 3, 2008

I got this Butterfly Award from Lord Story, Thanks for this award:)
Here is the rule: Once accepting this award, Put the logo on your blog. Add a link to the person who awarded you. Nominate 10 other blogs. Add links to those blogs on yours. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
This is the top 10 coolest blog I've ever visited:)
1. Freebie
2. Chubz
3. Eunice
4. Deborah Katy
5. Carol
6. Mariuca
7. Mharms
8. Pchi
9. Madz
10. V!dst
Enjoy guys!:)
Posted by Yenzz at 1:26 AM 2 comments
Labels: Coolest Blog Award :)
The Peace Meme
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Here are the rules and the story.
(3) Tag at as many people as you'd like.
We will speak with one voice. One subject. One day.
Won't you join us?
November 6, 2008
How To Get Your Peace Globe In 4 easy steps!
1. Right CLICK and SAVE the peace globe below or choose from other designs here.
2. Sign the globe using Paint, Photoshop or a similar graphics tool. Decorate the globe anyway you wish. You can even include the name of your blog. Click here for hundreds of inspiring examples from previous BlogBlasts.
3. Return the peace globe to me via email ~ mimiwrites2005 at - Let me know your blog's name and url by leaving a comment here and signing the Mr. Linky. Your submission will be numbered and dated in the official gallery . Your globe and post will be listed on the Official BlogBlast For Peace website and The Peace Globe Posts page.
Here's the most important part.
4. On November 6, 2008 DISPLAY YOUR GLOBE IN A POST. Title your post "Dona Nobis Pacem". This is important. The goal is for all blog post titles to say the same thing on the same day. Write about peace or simply fly your globe.
Go HERE for the other 3 globe template choices!)
If you'd like to help spread the word, take this button to your site. The code is in my sidebar.
- A Great Pleasure
- A Journey Into The Mind & Life Of A Teenager
- A Nice Place In The Sun
- A Piece Of My Mind
- A Room Of Crazy Scrapper
- A Simple Life
- A Word In Edgewise
- Alasandra & The Cats
- Amazing Life
- Amel's Realm
- Amori,poesie,arte,chat by Hanna
- And Miles To Go Before We Sleep...
- Angell'z Secretz
- Another Desert Rat
- Anyhow Blogs
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- Apples Of The Eyes
- Are We There Yet?
- Are You Grateful?
- Asara's Mental Meanderings
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- Attitude, The Ultimate Power
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- california is a recipe for a black hole
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- Captain Picard's Journal
- Carver's Site Or Is That Sight?
- Castle Of Nannbugg
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- Hello?....Is This Thing On?
- Hnetka Goes HMmmm
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- Julie Pippert: Using My Words
- Julie's Blog
- Julie's Jewels & Junque
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- Tertium Quid
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- The Big Leather Couch
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- The Rising Blogger
- The Salty Mooch
- The Starr Ann Chronicles
- This And That
- this is Jo Kate Moss, but not
- This That and The Other Thing
- Titration
- Trav's Thoughts
- Twisted Sister
- Vaguetarian Tea Room
- Valerie Joy
- Valley Girl
- Vixen's Den
- Wading Through My Stream of Consciousness
- Wandering Consciousness
- Warmstone
- Weird Sanctuary
- Weird Sanctuary
- What She Said Too
- When Silence Speaks
- When Your Only Tool Is A Hammer
- Will Think 4 Wine
- Will Write For Food
- Witty Writer Gal
- Wonderland Or Not
- Work Of The Poet
- World So Wide
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- WTIT Tape Radio
- Your Caring Angels
- Zaius Nation
- Driven To Distraction
- Why? What Have You Heard?
- SeeNRead
- Your name here
Please passing this meme through the blogosphere. Peace + Power
This is Mimi Pencil Skirt reporting from the lovely land of the Peace Globes.
Memeing the Movement.
**End Copy**
Tagging the following:All Bloggers
Posted by Yenzz at 9:18 PM 3 comments
Labels: Tag Along
GOOGle Page Rank
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I tried to check my Google PR on online Google page rank checking . A few month ago, my PR was 2/10 but now my PR has increased to 3/10 that showed on below icon. It is easy, you can try to check yours too.
Posted by Yenzz at 7:20 PM 7 comments
Labels: Google Page Rank
Reason Y People Need Friends
Here's a great poem explaining well why Yenzz need friends.

Posted by Yenzz at 2:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: Tag Along
Who are Zozo and Zizi ?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I clean their cage every morning and evening, twice a day. Once a week I brush their eggshell slowly with a toothbrush using Lux liquid soap. I pay a lot of attention for them specially for Zizi cause she looks weak or sick. She cannot open her eyes well like a membrane around her eyes. She is not as active as Zozo. She also no swim at all and sleeping day and night. I hope both of them grow well. But it is fun if we have something to care about although they are a baby tortoise.
Posted by Yenzz at 9:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: Who are Zozo and Zizi ?
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ever heard about phone number lookup services?
Well, How if I start with a mysterious telephone call.
Someone has called you from unknown number and you want to find out who was calling.
How you find out who the person behind the phone calls?
There are many options for people to take initiative. Some will call back from another phone or ask their friends to call back. Some will look in white pages listings. But the problem is white pages only displays landlines phone numbers and not cell phone numbers. It is almost unhelpful in identifying specific people like harrasing telemarketers, prank callers or otherwise annoying callers because with the amount of cellphone users now, the unlisted phone numbers is now over half of all phone numbers in the country.
The most effective way to identifying these callers is using Reverse Phone Lookup Service. Internet based Reverse Phone Lookup Services on is a website that help us to identifying the phone numbers owner and the address also look up miscalled from unknown phone number appears on your cellphone. You simply submit a phone number and this service provides the name, address, and others useful information . The information is 100% confidential. No one will be notified if we search for their phone number. This service is available for phone and cellphone numbers in United States and Canada.
Posted by Yenzz at 9:26 PM 1 comments
JOIN NOW! I Feel okay tag
-i feel okay tag-
quotes from bloggers around the world!
Feel okay? Well you should be! You’ll definitely be okay if you’re going to be a part of this meme, be okay if you are about to have a chance to increase your Technorati and Google Pagerank!
1. Make others feel good: share your favorite, self made, or any quotes as you pass on this meme with the image above.
2. MAKE SURE TO COME BACK – HERE - ( to get the master list and leave a comment that you’ve made yourself a part of this meme.
3. Your favorites, self made, or any quotes that you shared are collected and will be linked back to your site as its source, this would give you much benefit. Put a category before your quote. (ex. Inspirational, happiness, love, sweet, time, motivational, friendship, and others), much better if you relate the quote on your blog. Ex. Fashion Blog - quotes about beauty; Personal Blog - quotes about success, life, inspirational and many more. It’s your choice.
4. Only one quote and category per blog please, make sure to tag as many bloggers possible. Please update your contributor’s list more often. May we achieve thousands of quotes from different bloggers around the world. Let the fun begin. Be a part of a great collection of quotes from different bloggers around the world!!!
Categories and Contributors
(1)BeautyTips,(2)EmjeiSays,(3)Techmobiz,(4)BlackNickel,(5)inspirational stories,(6)iAM-MAi,(7)NeuroPatch, (8)Express4Free, (9)Club101, (10)Earn4aLiving,(11)Love tips,(12)My Touch of Heaven, (13)BigMoneyList (14)A Simple Life (15)Momhood Moments (16)Business Mars (17)Fun|Fierce|Fabulous (18)My Pink Shoelace (19)Rosa’s Meanderings (20)Chronicles & Tales Unlimited (RED) (21)Within Small Bites (22)My Life…. My Journey! (23)Life is good and Beautiful (24)HappyHeart (25)By Osc@r Luiz (26)Reality Notes (27)My so-called Life (28)Kwento ni Enday (29)The Fountain Of Happiness (30)Amazingly Me (31)Caring Is Not Only Sharing… (32)Onabentofrenzy (33)Denz Recreational (34)Pieces of Me (35)My Inner Thoughts (36)Emily’s Buzy World (37)Maritima Heavenly (38)Origena (39)BiiterSweet Life (40)Words of Love (41)Pinay Heart Wanderings and Musings (42)BlogScope (43)Unsealing My Mind (44)Program-IT-Jin (45)Mspuzzles (46)Anygen’s Journey (47) Best Travel & Tours (48) Ultimate Cooking Guide (49)Me, the Islands and the World (50)Straight from the Heart (51)Never Ending Resolve (52) fragments of thoughts..a piece of life -reyapot (53)LabRat (54)Everettski (55)Pajarolandia (56)SpiritOfTheValley (57)SteelTownEagles (58)ValAlexander (59)LeisureSpecial (60)gLamorousSylph (61)ELSWhere (62)Jeffrey’sLoop (63)LeopardO’Web (64)OpenBookProject (65)TuniTec (66)CranesForPeace (67)CIE-SL (68)Dare to Blog (69)Life Realities (70)WebGeek Journal… (71)Ness (72)WilStop (73)Life: Thoughts & Inspirations (74)On Touching and Saving Lives! (75)Blogger across the universe (76)My wonderful Life (77)Our Growing Family (78)denz Techtronics (79)krchan (80)StoriesInLife (81)Married and Happy About It (82)NetworkOfCombinedIdeas (83)AdventureSage (84)in-TechRevolution (85)Ivory Tasks (86)Best Places to Travel (87)Pinay Mommy Online (88)SeeNRead (89)YOUR BLOG!
- HERE - View the complete list of Quotes by bloggers around the world - HERE -
Posted by Yenzz at 12:58 AM 6 comments
Labels: Tag Along
Halo Sun In Medan
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008 was the first time I saw a Halo Sun. That was great and amazing. A circle around the sun and looks like a rainbow circle. First, I thought that that was a Mars Planet behind the sun but impossible that Mars bigger than sun. I am being fool by this miracle. After I search on Google Wikipedia, I knew that It was called a HALO SUN.
Posted by Yenzz at 12:29 AM 4 comments
Labels: Halo Sun